Who are you and why are you here?
You may be here because you scanned that ominous QR code sticker, that marked one of our enemy’s territories as ‘fair game’ or saw this site mentioned on a dark-web forum, or maybe even saw it mentioned in a book. You may have followed an old link to one of the many domains we have bought up recently or you may have heard us mentioned in relation to something called ‘dark Zen’ or ‘black Zen’ as we sometimes like to call it. It is true, those principles are at the core of our actions. As ‘black metal’ is to music, so is our brand of Zen to our praxis, but this is not the time or place to speak of such things. In the meantime, you may amuse yourself with the many great contributions, including our own in this book, this fine journal, or this one or this one. (For more information about that project, you can read this link but know that because the mainstream media now has a spotlight on us, many of the contributors have gone to ground).
In the larger picture, you may be here because you were angry but now you’re beyond that, you’re—something else. You’ve seen past the false dichotomies of left and right, good and bad, black and white, legal and illegal, up and down. The manufactured comparisons never seem to end, you grew weary of them. Then you had a new feeling, one you’ve never had before and it felt—not good, not bad, but familiar. In the end, however, call it fate, luck, randomicity, call it nothing at all. It is because of that feeling that you followed the acausal breadcrumbs and you landed here. You may think you were led here by a series of ‘random’ events, however, we have laid this adaptive path for you and others using a method we developed in-house, known internally as psychopathology. The specifics of how you arrived are unimportant. You are here now.
a book by Ezra Buckley of The PsychoPath.Org
Who are we and why are we here?
“Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember…”
“Nothing is true.”
“Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember…”
“Everything is permitted.”
Today we are in a position of despair created by too many years of domestication and slave mentality. It is not the time for demonstrations. The time to demonstrate anything is long past. It’s time for action. To stand up and walk into the halls of power, if nothing else, embracing how ‘the forest passage‘ requires leaving behind our slave minds. We must now ultimately become ‘The Others’. The liminal future represents our only path forward. We posit that the resilient liminalists will be the last ones standing after the final violent attempt of the sedation of the psyche. This, we liminalists will have been able to accomplish, purely because of strides made toward living in a free, irrational, and undomesticated state. ‘The forest passage’ doesn’t always mean fleeing (.i.e. cede) the urban landscape. It is a state of mind, a mental separation, an ‘othering’ that makes you all the more dangerous, because you walk among the slaves undetected, and you also walk among the so-called masters, like one of Hassan i Sabah’s students.
We propose the formation of tight-knit decentralized bands, impenetrable by the domesticated rationalists, liminal in their inspiration, and therefore not predictable by linear projections. Instead – we inhabit our own sacred maze, whether physical or mental, in which the civilized dare not enter unless they are foolish and then they do not exit. Liminal warriors, effective at doing irreparable damage, and disappearing into the shadows only to emerge to strike again, and again.
“A beast of prey tamed and in captivity—every zoological garden can furnish examples—is mutilated, world-sick, inwardly dead. Some of them voluntarily hunger-strike when they are captured. Herbivores give up nothing in being domesticated.”—Oswald Spengler, Man and Technics
Hostis humani generis
To resist and stand against the empty and boring life of rules imposed upon us is one of the goals that we must fully realize in everyday life. How do we do this? We should once again learn to create art and live a free life, feral and free of profit motives that serve skewed versions of ‘purpose’ foisted on us by modernity. That this will all be funded by money is inevitable for now and may seem like cognitive dissonance at first glance. It is not. We will re-appropriate the necessary resources anywhere, even obtaining them in criminal forms. We would do this before enslaving ourselves to a life of subordination that the majority of people lead. In fact, by re-appropriating or redirecting this dark alchemy known as money, we perform the blackest of magic, the darkest of dark zen archery, and the most sinister of dark zen gardening. We spit in the grinning faces of those who think they ‘support our cause’ when they buy baubles and beads created for their consumption under the name of ‘art’, which all they purchase are faded copies of copies of authentic ART. We plot sticky ends to those that encourage and supplement the production of such psychic abortions as well as those that enable these monstrous ouroboros by producing them.
To do these things, as we have proposed, is to be free from the infection of ‘profit’ or artificial ’causes’ as justification. It doesn’t matter who you have to shoot when the money isn’t handed over because, when an employee (slave) doesn’t hand over the boss’s (master’s) money, he defends like a slave (cur) the stockpile of the master (actual criminal). He has essentially signed an invisible yet binding contract that has led him to this sticky end. When a businessman, owner, or executive doesn’t give in to the demands of the liminal warrior, he deserves the same and, when possible, worse. You know this is true in your heart; we’re just willing to write it, say it, and live it. Are you? No? Then why are you still here?
“The simplest Surrealist act consists of dashing down the street, pistol in hand, and firing blindly, as fast as you can pull the trigger, into the crowd. Anyone who, at least once in his life, has not dreamed of thus putting an end to the petty system of debasement and cretinization in effect has a well-defined place in that crowd with his belly at barrel-level.” – André Breton, Manifestoes of Surrealism
In conclusion
We are those who bring conflict, vex others, tempt others, and seek to defy the limits and laws set and imposed by the stifling status quo. We are heresy, chaos, disruption, conflict, terror, combat, temptation, forbidden pleasures, and joy. We Liminal Warriors are sinister and amoral. We are heresy and outlaws; we lurk in the margins of society, in the shadows, between the light and the dark. We sometimes disguise ourselves and walk among you. We are sitting next to you on the train or at the bar. We live and strive to die by our own rules and laws, for we have contempt and disdain for all the laws and societies, forms, and institutions of average people. Anything less makes you a slave, and obedient slaves are as untrustworthy as their masters. Therefore, you are either with us or against us. There is no middle ground.
We do not perform these acts out of a sense of mercy. It’s all or nothing. We have no interest in saving you, only ourselves. If you are also interested in saving yourself, we may be able to conspire.
If resources are needed for whatever end, they will be taken by any means necessary. In this world governed by large corporations, there are certain occasions when it is required to acquire money to cover costs or obtain certain things. Getting this by serving the enemy is out of the question for us. Getting them by other means is the preferred manner.

We are the modern incarnation of a tradition now brought forth by non–state actors, and practitioners of 4th Generation Warfare. We have the example of history in our favor since there is a long history of decentralized, small, agile bands of ‘guerrillas’ defeating large, monolithic empiric concerns. Where empire has won has traditionally been through info warfare. We recognize this deficiency and point it out to highlight its ultimate exploitability, to our benefit of course.
Rather than bow down to the bringer of law( Marduk) and the slayer of the dragon of liminality (Tiamat), we celebrate the void, the zero that not only precedes the arousal of the monad but also its source. The incessant background hum of modernity is anxiety. We posit that this constant background noise arose with the keeping of calendars and ‘tallies’ which started out as a method to keep a representational accounting of slaves and ended up as a thing called money. Do not mistake our disdain for money as some kind of naive hippie throwback. We are questioning motive here and are taking our questioning deeper into the realm of acausal>causal effect. Also, we are including in our critique the lingua franca of the Internet itself. That of ‘attention’ ala ‘hits’ or ‘likes’, which we see as just another manifestation of the same sickness we have been discussing here. It harnesses the same motivations and even benefits the ‘masters’ more because it costs them less in a payout. Imagine a casino that only paid in the dividends of fleeting social currency—your ’15 minutes of fame’ on steroids.
Some of the targets we have chosen include but are not limited to the upper and middle management of companies that participate in ‘consumer’ behavioral and attention data collection (like Acxiom and Experian or their harvesting points like Google, Uber, and Facebook), the upper and middle management of companies that participate in the creation and distribution of entertainment, infotainment, advertising, and any other buzzword du jour that is being applied to soul-killing propaganda as well as their co-conspirators, the consumers of said toxins. Creators and distributors of Virtual Reality, augmented reality technology and content, Artificial Intelligence, and other similar soul-sucking endeavors are all fair game. The creators can’t very well exist without the consumers. In the same way that wild game is blindly attracted to a body of freshwater, the consumers of garbage posing as art are drawn to venues like movie theaters. Meanwhile, we wait for the interfacing between prey and its sustenance when their guard is lowered and their brain is flooded with endorphins. Can you imagine the possibilities? If you are an artist who has sold your access to lady art for a penny, if you are one of the sheep-dogs that line up to subsidize the further creation of substandard pseudo-creative drivel, then you are the enemy as much as the bean counters at the top. You are on our list.
We also propose an open season on upper and middle management of the manufacturers of ‘smart’ devices, the creators and promoters of artificial intelligence and robotics (with specific attention paid to certain labs in Berkeley, Stanford, and MIT that specialize in the weaponization of drones, robotics, swarm intelligence, et al.), specifically where it concerns methods of control and coercion, the creators and purveyors of bad art, bankers, politicians, and any other monsters we identify in the course of our day to day wanderings. We may even, from time to time, strike out against the consumers of said poisons or, in the case of the data collection scenarios, the producers (read: PRODUCT).
Sensing that we are pacing our concrete cages, the reimaginers of ‘life’ have attempted to decorate our kill-shelter with questing narratives and talk of wildness. Without action, a spiritual journey is however just a story about thinking. You don’t actually go anywhere. You don’t actualize that potential. The inner warrior never knows what it means to face death head on or to see the life leave the eyes of his vanquished foe. His victories are petty and his defeats are trivial. The weekend initiate never feels the earth on his knees, the urgency of hunger or the warmth of fresh blood on his forehead. And, the one who denies his own will to power so that others may thrive makes himself a slave.
Art is a terrible, beautiful, bloody goddess who requires sacrifices. Art is psyche (versus Technos); art is human passion and sustenance and represents the human spirit and, therefore, represents one of our highest ideals. You should be willing to offer your life in her service or provide her with sacrifices. Anything less is to betray her, marking you as potential sacrificial material. Are you willing to live for your art? Fine but not enough. Are you willing to die for your art? Fine but not enough. Are you willing to kill for your art? If so, then maybe we can talk.
The most radical solution at this historic moment—that of tearing down modernity”—beckons us forcefully. The artificiality of modern life calls for merciful destruction. The present world deserves a chance to recast itself into something more natural, more sacred, and more worthy.
This manifesto began as an arrow fired using the principles of Zen archery (i.e. the first drafts). Its maintenance, cultivation, enactment, and ongoing evolution embody the principles of Zen gardening (i.e. its present incarnations and those to come).
caput gerat lupinum
The artist has at last been aroused to the fact that the war between him and the world is a war without truce. That his only remedy is slaughter. – The Egoist Volume 1 number 4